Monday, 13 July 2015

Day 5- The National Musuem of Emerging Science and Innovation and back to Asakusa

Fairly chilled out day today. Left the house around 9am to go to the National Musuem of Emerging Science and Innovation. My Japanese skills came in handy today when I was trying to figure out what each bus stop was as the signs were in hiragana. I met a Japanese man on the bus who also helped me figure out which bus stop to get off at.

I got to the museum just after 10 and spent about 3 hours there. It was so different to any museum I've been to, it was really interactive.

At 11 I watched Asimo (the robot). It was amazing, he/she/it could run, jump, hop and even did sign language along to a song. It was so cool.


I then walked round for a bit longer and got to see Otonaroid. It looked like a women and I think it was a way to talk on the phone as if they are standing next to you. When you talked to the Otonaroid, it would nod its head and react to what you say.

I met a American-Japanese lady in the queue to interact with Otonaroid. She had 3 kids with her and she invited me to join her. The kids were so sweet and it was really amusing talking to them through the robot.


I also saw a baby seal soft toy, it was covered in sensors so that when you pet it, it would react to your hand.

There some great views from the museum, I could see Tokyo tower and the bridge, as well as the ferris wheel.

At about 1pm, I headed back to Asakusa to buy some souvenirs. On the way I stopped off for lunch. I had Gyoza's, they were really tasty.

It was so hot, so around 4 I indulged in some green tea ice cream. It was just what I needed.

After shopping I sat in the shade for a while. I saw someone walk past eating something that looked interesting, so I found out what it was and got myself one.

It turned out to be a Japanese plum coated in a soft sugary coating. But the sugary thing was melting in the sun. It was weird. But good.

I then headed home, accidentally getting on a rapid train and arriving right at the end of the Tozai line. Luckily it wasn't too far so I could just hop on a train in the other direction.

On my way I stopped for some dinner. There were the most delicious mushrooms I've ever tasted in the soup.

When I got home, the mum gave me some watermelon and this odd jelly like dessert.

It looked like jelly but when I had a bite, it was really mushy.

I did some planning for Nikko, now I think I'll pack and go to bed. Last day in Tokyo tomorrow.

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